WHAT I’m all about.
Kundalini Yoga Teacher & full-on Wellbeing Enthusiast turned ✧ HOLISTIC BUSINESS COACH & intuitive Entrepreneur.

Hi, I am ANNA!

As the world is changing the paradigm of success, entrepreneurship and money is changing as well. And there is so much room for entrepreneurs who lead from their soul’s desires, values and let Intuition rule.

Once I immersed myself in the world of wellbeing I realized I loved to help people get their holistic practices of the ground and make them a real Business.

Fast forward to today: I created my own signature method combining Intuition and Strategy to allow soulpreneurs to create a Business while honouring their own energetic-workflow.


WHY I am

Guiding entrepreneurs and upcoming entrepreneurs, who are committed to uplifting others and supporting them in living a better life, is my purpose and nothing makes me happier than thinking about the ripple effect this creates.

It’s not just

As much as I love all things woo-woo, I know it can’t be done by only being in the right energy and I really believe in strategy. My Business and Marketing background allows me to interweave the mystical with grounded, proven strategies and structure.

Let’s break
FREE together

The projections on entrepreneurship being hard, uncertain, and whatsoever are endless. The 9-5 hustle culture is definitely not made for spiritually connected beings who want to honor their own workflow ⏤ it’s my intention to educate and give confidence to those who are ready to break free from this.


MY Journey

I wanna share with you how I got to where I am today.

  • In 2015 I not only went to University again to do a Master in Innovation Management, I also decided to do a Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training in Berlin and started working for a Yoga App.

    Working at the worldwide successful Yoga App Asana Rebel, I learned an incredible amount about how to create a successful product in the wellbeing world and how a really active community can be developed.

    Soon after I got inspired to found my own Jewelry Online Shop (Crystals, of course) and quickly conquered the hearts of many stylish yogis. Just when it started to take off, I began my nomad journey. As I missed a vision of how to take my business with me to travel around the world, I started to freelance and consult only. 

    Since then many new doors opened. I started writing for the most well-known German Yoga & Wellness Blogs and became even more immersed in the world of Wellbeing and Mindfulness on a personal and professional level.

  • Even though we are always growing and evolving, today I can say I created my Dream Lifestyle.

    Once I was clear on my Desire to live by the beach and in a more Mediterranean climate, I build my fully-remote Business in order to realize that dream.

    I wasn’t clear from day one, what it was exactly going to look like, but the Desire to be flexible and live wherever I want became my driver to create the Business that I have today and eventually allowed me to leave my home country Germany to base myself in Portugal.

    Today I am still living a fully-remote, semi-nomadic Lifestyle between Portugal and Germany.

  • Regularly people ask me how exactly I started my Business, and if you believe that I was successful with HBG™ from day one you are definitely following an IG Illusion.

    Becoming an Entrepreneur is an exploration, and it took me a while to align my passion, purpose and strengths and crystallize it into the Business that I lead today.

    The one thing that was always guiding me on this journey was the intention to let my Intuition rule. As a Kundalini Yoga Teacher I had done a lot of work in the years before to tap into my intuitive gifts, which allowed me to see how much easier this made the process.

    Fast forward - this is what became my ultimate calling and mission: normalizing Intuition as a Business Tool and combining it with some grounded Strategies, that we all need so we can actually let our Intuition play.